Editing and publishing workshop


9.30 am–3:30pm
University House
Cost: Members: Single session $95, whole day $175; Non Members: Single session $110, whole day $200

About the course

This workshop is in two sessions:

Please book early to avoid disappointment.
Contact Martine Taylor, Phone: (02) 6260 7104

Session 1 – Overview of editing and publishing

Are you new to the editing profession or looking to move into a career in editing and publishing? What is required to complete a successful publishing project?

  • what are the stages involved?
  • what skills do you need?
  • how does electronic publishing fit into the mix?
  • how can you develop, acquire or arrange to contract the necessary expertise?

Participants are encouraged to bring along examples of publications that work well or don’t quite achieve their aims and be prepared to contribute to discussion of the issues.

Sue Wales (AE, BSc DipEd GradCertEd&Pub) has been involved in editing and publishing for over 20 years, having built on her teaching and PR careers to work as a publishing and marketing manager and, more recently, a freelance editor. With experience in not-for-profit and government organisations, she has participated in a wide variety of successful publication projects.
Dave Kingwell (BA(Hons)) has been publishing electronic and hardcopy publications professionally for more than five years. As manager of a small publications team, he has overseen projects across a wide range of mediums, such as website development, e-newsletter delivery, marketing material and government projects.

Session 2 – Introduction to proofreading

This two and a half hour session aims to introduce the basic skills you need to proofread your own work or that of your colleagues. At the end of this session you will know what proofreading is, and when proofreading is used in the publication process. You will deal with some common proofreading tasks and learn how to use standard proofreading marks. Some practical exercises will give you some proofreading practice. You are encouraged to bring in some publications as examples to make it more hands-on and fun.

Cathy Nicoll is a freelance writer and editor. With a background in science, environmental management and primary teaching, Cathy has worked on environmental and training publications for print and the Internet. She has spent more than a decade editing or rewriting government publications to make them interesting enough for people to want to read them.

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