Join the society

You can apply now to join the Canberra Society of Editors. All you need is an interest in editing.

Simply complete and return an application form. The society offers four levels of membership:

The membership year starts from the date you are accepted as a member of the society and have paid your fees in full.

Quoted fees assume payment by EFT or direct deposit. Payment by cheque attracts a higher fee.

Full (professional) membership

Full membership is open to anyone currently engaged professionally in editing or publishing, or who has had such experience in the past. Professional members are eligible for inclusion in the freelance register, may vote or hold office in the society and receive our newsletter, published regularly throughout the year. Applications are assessed by the society’s management committee.

You can apply for full (professional) membership using the online form below.

Associate and student memberships

Associate membership is open to anyone interested in the activities of the society. Student membership is available only to full time students. Associate and student members receive our newsletter and can be elected to the committee, but may not vote or hold office. Associate and student members are not eligible for inclusion in the freelance register.

You can apply for associate and student membership using the online form below.

Corporate associate membership

Corporate associate membership is open to any organisation that supports the aims of the society. Corporate associates may advertise in the newsletter at members’ rates. Up to five staff members of corporate associates may attend the society’s workshops at members’ rates but may not vote or hold office in the society or be listed in the society’s freelance register.

You can apply for corporate membership using the online form below.

Use this form to apply for membership. If you are already a member, you can renew your membership using a different form.
* indicates required field

Applying for associate, student or corporate membership?
We have enough information. Fill in the captcha code and submit your application now. We will contact you to tell your pro rata membership fee for the rest of the financial year.

Applying for full (professional) membership?
We need more information about your editing experience to assess your application. Download the editing experience form, complete it, and upload it with your application.

Acceptable file types: doc,pdf,txt,gif,jpg,jpeg,png.
Maximum file size: 1mb.

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