The VOTE (again)


5:45pm, Wednesday 30 March 2016
Ferguson Room, upstairs at the National Library of Australia, Parkes Place

We voted against the proposed IPEd consititution last year, as did three other societies of editors. Four voted for the proposed constitution, and so the proposal went ahead.

This means we need to meet again to vote again.

The vote isn’t whether to support a proposal (it hasn’t changed), but whether the Canberra Society of Editors will join IPEd anyway, transfer our members and assets, and wind up.

What do you need to know?

The committee has produced a list of advantages and disadvantages of THE SOCIETY joining or not joining IPEd:

Those papers also include some advantages and disadvantages for individuals, noting that an individual can join IPEd even if CSE decided not to as an organisation.

You might also want to read the proposal we voted on last year, and our response to it at the time:

After the October vote, IPEd asked the CSE committee to explain why the vote was so overwhelmingly against the proposal. We sent them the summary on this page. IPed’s response can be seen here.

What else do you need to know?

Only Full Members may vote; and a quorum of 20 is required, as at AGMs. Full members have already received an information pack by email. It includes a proxy form for those who can’t attend.

As these are Special Resolutions, they must be carried by 75% or more of those who vote. If they do not attract 75% of the vote, they will be considered defeated. There would be a further opportunity to consider our future, as the IPEd document explains.

The September meeting and the vote in October included a robust discussion of many of the issues. Most were covered in one way or another in the links above.



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