Building templates in Word 2003


National Library of Australia
Cost: Members $95; Non-members $195

About the course

The aim of this course is to provide participants with a hands-on approach to building templates in Word’s most customisable version – 2003.

Well-constructed templates can provide substantial productivity benefits and the focus of this workshop will be to build templates that deliver those benefits in both Word 2003 and Word 2007. Among the specifics the course will cover are: customisable toolbars and menus; assigning autotext entries to toolbar buttons; inserting section breaks with a single button click; macro button fields and more.

Participants will use Word 2003 for the course, but they will find out how to use those templates in Word 2007 which will enhance the flexibility of that program.

Presenter Brian O’Donnell has worked in a variety of roles. During 20 years in the public service, he worked in an IT support role, as a staff trainer (including an IT trainer), and as a Training Manager. His final training role was in a policy area as Assistant Director IT Training.

Since leaving the public service in 1996, Brian has worked as a contract writer and editor, for the last eight years within the Department of Defence. During that time he has been responsible for developing many templates in Word 2003, and he will share his skills with course participants.

Note: There is a limit of 12 participants.

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