Publishing at the National Library of Australia


Meeting: Wednesday 26 September 2012
6.30 pm, networking and nibbles from 6.00 pm
Venue: ANU Emeritus Faculty, Building 1c/24 Balmain Crescent, Acton
Find the Emeritus Faculty on google maps

Susan Hall, Publisher at NLA Publishing, talks about the joys and challenges of publishing in a cultural institution: from ebooks to the annual report, from kids’ counting books to exhibition catalogues. Using some case studies, Susan will describe the process of making books at NLA Publishing and the increasing role of the editor in shaping the trade publishing program.

Susan Hall studied English at Cambridge University and started her career in publishing in London. After 12 years in the UK, she spent three years working for publishers in France before moving to Australia in 1996. Susan worked on contract for the National Gallery and National Museum of Australia before taking on the role of Publisher at the National Library of Australia (NLA Publishing), where she has worked for the past eight years.

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