Preparing for the IPEd Accreditation Exam


, 1 – 3 pm
Part II: Saturday 25 August , 1 – 4.30 pm
Stanner room, ANU University House, 1 Balmain Crescent, Acton, 2601
Cost: $100 (CSE members ); $180 (non members )

About the course

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This interactive, two-part workshop is aimed at people thinking about sitting the IPEd accreditation exam. Even if you decide not to sit the exam, you will learn about various aspects of editing that you can incorporate into your current work as an editor. The workshop is also a great opportunity to meet other editors.

Part I (18 August)

This introductory session will involve a friendly Q&A with our guest panel, including the current President and Vice-President of the Canberra Society of Editors, as well as Distinguished Editors (DEs). A list of topics we plan to cover include:

  • IPEd exam strategy
  • what to expect on the day
  • assessors’ insights
  • study resources, and more.

Part II (25 August)

The workshop proper will cover editing practice. There will be a mix of presentations, group discussion and editing exercises.

The workshop will be presented by Dr Malini Devadas, AE. Malini has a PhD in neuroscience and has been a science editor since 2004. Over the past few years she has also run training workshops in writing, editing and publication management.

More information about how to best prepare for the workshop will be sent to participants closer to the time.

Costs include afternoon tea.

Register for the course

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