Increase your income by mastering your mindset
5:45pm, Wednesday 31 October 2018
Ferguson Room, upstairs at the National Library of Australia, Parkes Place
Light refreshments before and after; all welcome
If you’re struggling to make enough money as a freelance editor, you are not alone. Maybe you don’t have enough clients. Or maybe you are working long hours week after week but have little money to show for it. Perhaps you have read all the marketing books but still haven’t done any actual marketing! If this sounds like you, come along to the CSE meeting where I’ll talk about the 4 pillars of running a successful business: money, messaging, marketing and mindset. The last one in particular is not talked about much.
However, without the right mindset, you will not have the confidence you need to take the action required to grow your business. At the talk, you will have the opportunity to explore your own mindset about various aspects of business and how they may be hampering you.
Malini Devadas has been working as a professional editor since 2004, establishing her own editing and writing coaching business in 2013. In recent years she has become concerned about how many editors struggle to earn a living. So this year, Malini started a coaching certification and launched Edit Boost, to work as a business coach to help editors make more money.
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