5:45pm, Wednesday 28 October 2015
Ferguson Room, upstairs at the National Library of Australia, Parkes Place

Decide the future of IPEd and the Canberra Society of Editors tonight. Hear speakers on the two motions and cast an informed vote (and enjoy a drink and a supper with your colleagues). (Update: a summary of the proceedings is here.)

What do you need to know?

Only Full Members may vote; and a quorum of 20 is required, as at AGMs. Full members have already received an information pack by email. It includes a proxy form for those who can’t attend.

As these are Special Resolutions, they must be carried by 75% or more of those who vote. If they do not attract 75% of the vote, they will be considered defeated. There would be a further opportunity to consider our future, as the IPEd document explains.

The September meeting included a robust discussion of many of the issues. Most were covered in one way or another in the two links above.

Notes and slides from other presentations included:

There were also a few questions without answers.

  • A code of ethics is referred to in the papers: where is this code of ethics, and what what will put someone in breach of it? (Note: The constitution states there is no possibility of rehabilitation: someone who is evicted from IPEd will never be readmitted.)
  • Quorum: why does the constitution say that, if IPED can’t get a quorum of 25 in a meeting (to vote on a motion), that it can have a second meeting with a quorum of only 10 needed? Doesn’t this risk potential stacking, especially given that there are no limits on how many proxies someone can hold?
  • How does a member remove a biased chair from a meeting if there can be no vote of no confidence in the chair at a meeting? Why wouldn’t a vote on a motion to remove the chair be enough to decide the matter?
  • Student membership: do students need to show proof of enrolment to qualify? Are only selected qualifications counted, or will any AQF-approved course count?
  • What is the formula for transfer of CSE assets to IPEd?
  • Will the freelance register be searchable by state of residence (either business or home residence) so potential clients can find a local editor?
  • What will IPED allow a branch’s budget to cover?
  • The proposal for a newsletter and national website that meets the needs for all societies/branches is just that—a proposal.
  • more to come ….




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