Editing anthologies — with a touch of the supernatural …


Wednesday 28 May 2014
Venue: Ferguson Room, National Library of Australia, Parkes Place, Canberra
6.00pm to 8.00pm, with the usual drinks and nibbles before and after

Come along and meet with other editors  in the Ferguson Room at the National Library of Australia. In addition to our usual catch-up over drinks and nibbles, we will be treated to a special panel presentation, courtesy of the Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild.

Editing an anthology or collection of works requires more than your average editing skills. How do you pull it together? What’s involved in deciding which stories make it and which don’t? And how do you keep track of style throughout the collection? And how do you edit species from other planets and worlds with all their unique and out-there conventions?

Four experienced editors of speculative fiction collections will talk about how they pulled their collections together and how working with multiple authors differs to working with just one.

The speakers

Tehani Wessely was a founding member of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine in 2001 and started her own boutique publishing house, FableCroft Publishing, in 2010. Now firmly entrenched in Australian speculative fiction and independent press, she also judges for several national literary awards and reads far more in one genre than is healthy. Since 2002, Tehani has edited numerous stories, novels and the award-winning debut collection The Bone Chime Song and Other Stories by Joanne Anderton. In her spare moments she works as Head of Library in a Canberra boys’ school and enjoys spending time with her husband and four children.

Elizabeth Fitzgerald is the owner of Earl Grey Editing and has been a freelance editor since 2004. Her work covers a wide variety of forms ranging from epic poetry and fantasy novels through to research proposals and university theses. She graduated from the University of Canberra in 2008 with a Bachelor of Communications (Honours) and majored in Creative Writing and Literary Studies. She edited the CSFG collection Winds of Change.

Nicole Murphy is a writer, editor and teacher of writing. She has sold eight novels and a collection of novellas to major publishers, and more than two dozen short stories. She edited Issue 25 of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, the CSFG anthology The Outcast and ran a 12-month editing and publishing venture for new writers called In Fabula-divino. Her day job is as a conference organiser, and she also organises science fiction conventions. She is currently the convenor of the Aurealis Awards, Australia’s premier speculative fiction awards.

Maxine McArthur is the author of three science fiction novels and numerous short stories. She has worked as an editor of academic theses and papers at the Australian National University since 1996. From 2010 to 2013 she edited performance audit reports at the Australian National Audit Office with Kaaren Sutcliffe. She has also edited long fiction works (such as Peter Raftos’ The Stone Ship) and does manuscript assessment for the ACT Writers Centre. In 2004 she edited the Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild’s fourth short story anthology, Encounters, with Donna Hanson.

We hope to see you there!

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