Let’s Talk About Indexing


A presentation by Sherrey Quinn

Date: Wednesday, 26 May 2021
Time: 6:30pm, doors open at 5:40pm for nibbles and drinks
Venue: Durie Room, St Mark’s College (details below)

Please register via Trybooking. We’ll ask you to sign our attendance sheet when you arrive.

Note that this meeting will not be broadcast, because our tech wiz has been called to family responsibilities for the next two months.
  • Why indexes are a good thing
  • What’s an index and what’s not
  • Punctuation – Secret indexers’ notation
  • Examples of good indexes and bad ‘indexes’
  • Tips on how to brief an indexer
  • Selected sources, if you wish to know more
  • Questions about indexing?
Sherrey Quinn works a library consultant and freelance indexer thorough her company Libraries Alive! In her indexing business she manages indexing projects of all types, and she writes indexes for scholarly and trade books, technical reports, directories, digital resources, and other government and commercial publications. Prior to establishing Libraries Alive! with her partner Ian McCallum in 1996, Sherrey worked in library and information services for BHP Research, CSIRO, the Australian Road Research Board and the National Library of Australia.

Sherrey is a qualified librarian and has been an Accredited Indexer since 1992 (accredited by the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers (ANZSI)).

Sherrey is a member of the Canberra Society of Editors, the Honorary Secretary of ANZSI and Chair of the ANZSI Accreditation Committee, and a Fellow and Certified Practitioner of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA).

How to find the venue

Meetings are held in the Durie Room, St Mark’s National Theological Centre, 15 Blackall St, Barton (not Blackall Place). The Durie Room is accessible from the carpark closest to Kings Avenue. Here’s a map.

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