Why is a raven like a writing desk? How our ‘other’ professions inform editing practice
5:45pm, Wednesday 29 May 2019
Ferguson Room, upstairs at the National Library of Australia, Parkes Place
Light refreshments before and after; all welcome
Are you an ‘accidental editor’? Many of us have taken circuitous routes to editing and frequently arrive with substantial experience in other professions.
Justine McNamara will argue that freelance editors trying to build up or expand their business can benefit from a better understanding of how earlier professional experiences overlap with and inform an individual’s approach to editing.
She will discuss how we can make use of these experiences in our editing practice. She explores these issues, drawing on her own background in both social work and academia. Identifying what we bring to editing from our other work can help us recognise and play to our strengths, both individually and as a profession. Finally, she will draw out practical lessons that can help us steer our businesses through the rapidly changing world of work.
This is the long form of Justine’s paper presented to the 9th IPEd National Editors Conference earlier this month.
Justine McNamara PhD, AE is a part-time freelance editor, based in Canberra. She has extensive experience in academic and professional writing, having worked as a social worker, researcher and public servant. She specialises in academic editing.