‘Take a letter …’


Wednesday 30 July 2014
Venue: Ferguson Room, National Library of Australia, Parkes Place, Canberra
6.00pm to 8.00pm, with the usual drinks and nibbles before and after

In the early 1960s, a boss would call his secretary into his office: ‘Take a letter, Miss Smith’. That gave Elizabeth Murphy the idea for her first book, a slim volume entitled The better letter, designed to improve the letter-writing standards of the staff of her then employer. Elizabeth’s latest book.

Effective writing: plain English at work—second edition, sees the light of day this month, July 2014.

What happened between the 1960s and 2014? Come to the the next general meeting at the end of July and find out.

Elizabeth Manning Murphy, Distinguished Editor and CSE Honorary Life Member, will take us on a journey of discovery of writing, changing social and workplace norms, and what drove her to write her many books about aspects of writing, English grammar, office procedures, looking for jobs, setting up a freelance business and so on. She will tell us where her writing has taken her around the world and into various branches of the writing, editing, publication, marketing, teaching and mentoring professions.

Copies of Working words and Effective writing will be available for sale at discounted $36 and $30, respectively. Only cash or personal cheques can be accepted.

So, come and join us in some convivial networking, then take your glass of wine, take a seat, and settle in to ‘take a letter’.

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