CLOSED: Sessional editor for Hansard



We keep notices for closed positions on our website because people oftern ask us about the types of jobs an editor might have. This is one way of helping to answer that type of question.

Parliamentary Service Level 5/6— Sessional Editor, Hansard

The Department of Parliament is inviting applications for the position of Sessional Editor, Hansard PSL5/6. Applications must be submitted by Friday, 4 March 2011. Currently, the salary range for this position is $66,921–$82,305.

For further information about this position and how to apply, please contact Simon Milner on 6277 2836.

Who is the department looking for?

  1. The Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS) is looking for people who
    have a passion for the English language and an interest in political and current
    affairs. You will also have excellent communication skills and attention to detail
    in order to join our team of editors.
  2. The Hansard Section of the Content Management Branch, within DPS,
    transcribes and publishes reports of proceedings in the Senate, the House of
    Representatives and parliamentary committees.
  3. Hours of duty for Hansard staff are dictated by the operational
    requirements of the parliament and the department and staff will be required
    to work long and irregular hours during parliamentary sitting weeks. This will
    include rostered evening duty. Overtime is payable and, in addition, employees
    whose duties include performing ordinary duty after 7.30pm receive an
    allowance of 4 per cent of salary. Duties at this level may require interstate
  4. Extensive on-the-job training will be provided.
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