Grammar in a nutshell


9:30am to 4pm
Griffith Neighbourhood Centre, 55 Stuart St, Griffith ACT 2603
Cost: $250 for members; non-members $350 (includes morning tea and lunch)

About the course

Book your place now with TryBooking.

Did you miss out on learning the whys and wherefores of English grammar at school? Or have you forgotten? Or is English not your native language? Do you find it difficult to explain to clients why you recommend grammatical alterations to their text? Or does your own writing need the same edits time and again because they are not explained to you?

This full day will take you through many of the problem areas of English grammar that you may not have learnt at school or may have forgotten: parts of speech, sentence structure, paragraphs, whole documents and an introduction to plain English and explaining edits to your clients.

The course will be presented by Elizabeth Manning Murphy DE.

In one day, we can’t cover the whole of English grammar, but we can alert you to the terminology that will help you get your own writing right, and help you explain your corrections to others. It will be a crammed day, with activities all the way. There will also be post-workshop opportunities to consolidate what you’ve learnt by doing optional extra activities for individual feedback or taking us up on our offer of a free email consultation on anything about grammar, writing clearly or helping others to write clearly or anything else that you wish to cover.

The group will be kept relatively small to allow for maximum group discussion.

 Book your place  with TryBooking.

Elizabeth Manning Murphy DE is a trained linguist, editor and trainer. She is the author of Working words (published by the Canberra Society of Editors, 2011) and Effective writing: plain English at work (Lacuna Publishers, 2014), both of which will be on sale at the workshop at discounted prices of $36 and $30 respectively. (Not required reading, but recommended for your bookshelf, and will be referred to during the workshop.)

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