Grammar in a nutshell


, 9 am – 4 pm (including lunch)
University House, ANU
Cost: $200 (members); $400 (non-members)

About the course

Did you miss out on learning the whys and wherefores of English grammar at school? Or have you forgotten? Or is English not your native language? Do you find it difficult to explain to clients why you recommend grammatical alterations to their text? Or does your own writing need the same edits time and again because they are not explained to you? This full day will alert you to some of the more common grammatical problems we meet in our text editing, it will explain the grammar behind the conventions that make text acceptable, and it will provide an opportunity to practise editing and explaining your edits and getting feedback from the presenter, Elizabeth Manning Murphy DE.

This Grammar in a Nutshell workshop is for all editors, but anyone considering taking the IPEd Accreditation Examination in June 2016 will find that activities are included that will give you an opportunity to hone your exam-taking skills and give you some practice in working through material similar to what you will meet in the exam, and get instant feedback. Participants are invited to bring fully-charged laptops (not tablets) with them for working some exam-like activities in the time available in the real exam – excellent pre-exam practice. Or you may opt to try themas pen-and-paper activities if you prefer.

Elizabeth Manning Murphy DE is a trained linguist, editor and trainer. She is the author of Working words (published by the Canberra Society of Editors, 2011) and Effective writing: plain English at work (Lacuna Publishers, 2014), both of which will be on sale at the workshop at discounted prices of $36 and $30 respectively. (Not required reading, but recommended for your bookshelf, and will be referred to during the workshop.)

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