Romance, fiction and editing


Wednesday 24 February 2016
Venue: Ferguson Room, National Library of Australia, Parkes Place, Canberra
5:45pm to 8.00pm, with the usual drinks and nibbles before and after
All welcome

Have you ever wondered about romance writing? Not just the reading of it, but also the writing and even the editing of it.

Author and PhD researcher Donna Maree Hanson will talk about writing speculative fiction and romance and her interactions with editors she has worked with along the way. She will also relate her experience of the editing component of her Masters in Professional Writing at the University of Canberra.

Donna Maree Hanson is a Canberra-based writer of science fiction, fantasy and paranormal romance (under the pen name Dani Kristoff). She has had seven books published since her first book, Rayessa and the Space Pirates was published in 2013.

Donna has been writing creatively since 2000 and has been writing audit reports at the Australian National Audit Office since 2002. In 2010, she started a Graduate Certificate in Professional Writing (Editing) at the University of Canberra. She went on to complete a Masters in Creative Writing and is currently a PhD candidate in creative writing and undertaking research in Feminism in Popular Romance.

Donna ran a short press, Aust Speculative Fiction, and published Australian Speculative Fiction : A genre overview, a non-fiction book about the Australian speculative fiction scene between 2000 and 2005. She has also edited an anthology and collections of short stories.

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