Editor: Lisa Fuller

Email: lisasfuller@gmail.com


substantive editing, plain English editing, copyediting and proofreading on hard copy and on screen
plain English writing and rewriting; document formatting (in Word); style guide development; training material development and editing; publications/production management; typesetting services; proof corrections; cultural content advice; workshops; speaking events

Subject matter experience

Indigenous Australian; government, academic (anthropology, linguistics and law), education, history (oral history, social/community history), social sciences, auto/biographies, women

Genre and platform

Government reports, research and technical reports, books (including general trade books), user guides, journals, newsletters, brochures, material, media releases, ministerial correspondence, apps, social media material

Specific projects

I spent seven years as the Editorial and Production Officer at Aboriginal Studies Press (ASP), the publishing arm of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. As such, I have a strong background in editing and publishing, particularly in regards to non-fiction works written by or content about First Nations Australians communities, cultures and histories. I have been assisting other mainstream publishers as a freelance consultant, offering advice around cultural materials within works, and how best to ensure cultural protocols are respected and followed.

I was involved in creating ASP’s Guidelines for the ethical publishing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander authors and research from these communities. I was lucky enough to take part in the 2014 Residential Editorial Program. I have participated in many speaking events to various audiences and run webinars around this topic. I am truly passionate about culturally appropriate writing, editing and publishing!

As a writer myself I am heavily involved in the local First Nations writers group, Us Mob Writing, which has included assisting through typesetting and editorial work.


Bachelor of Arts(CQU); Graduate Diploma of Professional Writing (Editing)(UC); Masters of Creative Writing (UC); currently undertaking a PhD in Creative Writing (UC)