Editing under pressure


This month’s meeting features Pamela Hewitt, who will will address us on the weighty topic of editing under pressure.

You can attend either in person or via a Zoom webinar. To register to attend in person visit the Trybooking page by 3 pm on 28 February. Registering helps us with catering, but isn’t essential.

Date: Wednesday 28 February 2024
Time: 5:45 pm (on site), 6:30 pm (webinar)
Dinner plans are still to be determined. Watch this space.

About the presentation

After she went into business as a freelance editor in 1996, once in a while Pamela Hewitt found herself editing under pressure. She disliked this way of working so intensely that she came up with a range of strategies to manage the (frequent) floods and (occasional) famines she encountered in the years that followed. Join her to find out what they are and share your ways of keeping those deadlines under control.

We all try to avoid last-minute, urgent jobs; but when one arrives from a client you want to keep, or from a boss you must appease, or an examiner seeking an instant edit of a piece in the accreditation exam, what choice do you have?

About Pamela Hewitt

Pam Hewitt photo

Pamela Hewitt is an accredited editor who has worked in publishing for over 30 years. After an in-house career in educational and academic editing, she established Emend Editing, a freelance practice specialising in fiction, memoir and narrative non-fiction. Many titles she has edited have won literary awards.

To attend in person

Please register on the Trybooking page by 3 pm on 28 February if you wish to attend in person.


The Durie Room
St Mark’s National Theological Centre
15 Blackall St (not Blackall Place)
See MAP.


The room opens at 5:45 pm. The presentation begins at 6:30 pm.

Need to cancel?

Return your ticket directly into the TryBooking system to make it available for someone else.

To attend the webinar (via Zoom)

A link for the Zoom meeting will be supplied to all members by email. If you are not a member and wish to attend by Zoom, please send an email to the contact email address you will find on the About page and ask to be sent a link. Please do not pass on your link to other people.

The webinar audience can use Zoom’s Q&A functionality to ask questions or offer opinions. (You will not be able to see the presentation or participate in the Q&A if you attend by phone call.)

The webinar will not be recorded.

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