Editing as a business workshop


University House, ANU
Cost: Members $150, Non-members $250

About the course

Presented by highly skilled editor, Pamela Hewitt, this workshop will cover the basics of how to set up a sustainable editing business. The topics include:

  • What do you need to start out?—Equipment, services, networks and skills
  • Are you a specialist, a generalist or a dilettante?
  • Are you on track?—Income, time, clientele, the strands of your business,
  • marketing, feedback, networks, the size and shape of your business, advertising and promotion, joining professional associations and networks
  • The paragon of editors—Meets deadlines, maintains personal work standards, keeps up with technological change, keeps everyone satisfied, regularly exceeding expectations, looks after old and new clients, focuses on the job at hand, reinvents skills, areas of expertise and business directions, does pro bono work, keeps clients informed of opportunities and developments
  • The GFC and you

Pamela Hewitt is a freelance editor, writer, trainer and proprietor of Emend Editing. Pamela publishes The Fine Print, an online journal for editors and writers. She is the author of ‘Professional Editing’, a series of online training programs for editors and has written a second series, ‘Editing for Writers’, which is in production.

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