Introduction to editing and design essentials
National Library of Australia, Training rooms 3 and 4 (Take the lift to the training suite.)
Cost: $145 (members); $195 (non-members)
About the course
Claudia Marchesi and Cathy Nicoll are highly experienced editors and teachers. They will deliver a ‘back to basics’ short course in editing including the nuts-and-bolts and the philosophy of good editing.
Design: De 101
David Whitbread will start at the very beginning of design, a very good place to start.
From the periodic table of publication elements, De is the matter to do with Design. A molecule of De pairs with a molecule of Ed to create Com, essential to human life in the 21st century. Flummoxed by De lingo? Baulking at De toolbar? Discombobulated by De concepts?
When you read, you begin with ABC. When you design, you begin with De 101. We’ll talk type, shape, pictures, contrast and format for print and screen. Become unflummoxed, debaulked and combobulated.
David Whitbread is the author of The Design Manual (UNSW Press, Sydney, 2001) which won an Australian Award for Excellence in Educational Publishing in 2002. The second revised and expanded edition was released in 2009. He also co-wrote and art directed the sixth edition of the Commonwealth Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers (Wiley, Brisbane, 2002). Formerly Design Director of the Australian Government Publishing Service and Head of Graphic Design at the University of Canberra, he is currently the Corporate Communications Manager at an Australian Government agency in Canberra.