Referencing and bibliographies as technical paratexts


A Zoom presentation by Jocelyn Hargrave

Date: Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Time: 6:30pm
This will be a Zoom meeting only (details below). Please do not turn up at St Mark’s College!

Editors’ work involves many parts within a whole: preliminary pages, such as imprint pages and introductions, and endmatter, such as indexes and bibliographies; there are also many parts within the body text: marginalia, breakout text and footnotes. From verso to recto, these paratextual elements spread within and beyond the page to support and extend readers’ understanding of the body text. All paratexts and body text are integral, interdependent parts of the whole literary work. This presentation will discuss referencing and bibliographies as essential technical paratexts and how editors negotiate these paratexts as part of editorial practice.

Dr Jocelyn Hargrave teaches writing, editing and publishing at the University of Melbourne and Deakin University; she has also worked in the educational publishing industry for twenty-four years, twenty-two as an editor of print and digital content. Jocelyn is the author of The Evolution of Editorial Style in Early Modern England (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), the forthcoming Pedagogy and Editorial Practice (CUP, 2021), and numerous articles published in international scholarly journals such as Publishing Research Quarterly, Journal of Scholarly Publishing and Media History.

Attending the Zoom meeting

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