2017 Annual General Meeting and dinner


Meeting: Wednesday 30 August 2017, 6.30–7.30 pm
Dinner: Starts at 7:30
Venue: Seminar Room, University House, Australian National University

Cost: $50

Book your seat at dinner now (members’ only link)

Support your society by turning up to our Annual General Meeting on 30 August at 6 for 6.30pm. We start with some pre-dinner drinks, followed by the meeting itself, and then we have a celebratory dinner afterwards.

On offer will be a buffet selection of:

  • chicken, fish and vegetable dishes
  • 1 hot and 1 cold side dish + salad
  • fruit and small cakes, tea/coffee.

The Society will shout some wine and soft drinks for the tables, and then you can buy the beverage of your own choosing.

The dinner is a fun networking opportunity. Stay on and catch up with your fellow editors, and bring a friend or partner if you want. The more the merrier.  Contact the membership coordinator for more information.

We must have 20 full members present to validate the meeting. If you joined before 1 July 2016, make sure you have renewed your membership.

Have you thought about joining the committee?

One of the tasks of an AGM is to fill committee positions, all of which become vacant at the AGM. Some have nominees; some do not. Some positions are vacant because the constitution limits a term of office to two years.

Committee elections are a great opportunity for renewal. In addition to the committee positions, we would like to offer a non-committee position of assistant treasurer. Having said this is a non-committee position, any member may attend and contribute to committee meetings, although they may not vote without formally joining the committee.

So, new members, and more experienced members: your committee needs you! I think there is a particular value in new members joining the committee. If the CSE is to prosper, it must continuously renew itself.

You can nominate yourself for a position by emailing the secretary (use the form on our ‘Contact us‘ page). You can also nominate someone else, with their permission.

If you are interested in a committee role, but want to know more, please contact a committee member for help.

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