Tangavulu: 10 storytellers and their stories


Wednesday 30 April 2014
Venue: The Fireplace Room, Gorman House. Braddon
6.00pm to 8.00pm, with the usual drinks and nibbles before and after

Come along and meet with other editors at the Fireplace Room, Gorman House. In addition to our usual catch-up over drinks and nibbles, linguist Dr Deborah Hill will be our guest speaker for the evening. This will also be our chance to vote about membership fees and say farewell forever to The Fireplace Room, which has become a friendly and popular meeting venue. All welcome.

10 Storytellers and their stories

When a language community is rich in storytellers and stories, what happens before a story goes from oral story to written story is as important as what happens in the process of producing the written version of the text and translating it into English. In this presentation, Deborah Hill discusses the decisions that have contributed to choosing ten stories that form the first book of stories to be printed in the Longgu language of Gaudalcanal, Solomon Islands.

Deborah Hill is a linguist who works at the University of Canberra and has a long association with the Longgu community of Guadalcanal. 

Notice to members
Members of the society should have received an email about this event and the vote for changes to our membership fees.  If you didn’t receive that email, contact us and we’ll send it to you again.


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