Annual General Meeting


Meeting: Wednesday 28 August 2013
6.30 pm
Venue:University House, Australian National University

The AGM will be followed by dinner. On offer will be a buffet selection of braised lamb rump, pan-fried ocean trout, or (for the vegetarians) pasta sorrentino. Desert is to be a selection of cakes. The meeting is free. Dinner will cost $49.

Register and pay for dinner online (goes to TryBooking)

Have you thought about joining the committee?

One of the tasks of an AGM is to fill committee positions, all of which the sacred CSE constitution provides become vacant at the AGM. Some have nominees; some do not. Some positions are vacant because the constitution limits a term of office to two years.

There are already nominations for the president, vice-president, treasurer, newsletter editor, web minder and one of the general committee positions. You can nominate for any of those positions, as well as for the position of: vice-president, secretary, membership secretary, meetings coordinator, catering coordinator, professional development (training) coordinator, IPEd Councillor, as an assistant to any of those positions, or as another general committee member.

Committee elections are a great opportunity for renewal. In addition to the committee positions, we would like to offer a non-committee position of assistant treasurer. Having said this is a non-committee position, any member may attend and contribute to committee meetings, although they may not vote without formally joining the committee.

So, new members, and more experienced members: your committee needs you! I think there is a particular value in new members joining the committee. If the CSE is to prosper, it must continuously renew itself.

You can nominate yourself for a position by emailing the secretary (use the form on our ‘Contact us‘ page). You can also nominate someone else, with their permission.

If you are interested in a committee role, but don’t know enough members to act as your nominators, please contact a committee member for help.

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